"Se V. possui uma renda tenerife antiga, achou um bastidor ou uma toalhinha no baú, compartilhe essa preciosidade com outros interessados e rendeiras. Entre em contato conosco para obter com o mediador as instruções para ser co-autor do MUSEU VIRTUAL e fazer um post com sua peça. Ou mande a foto que faremos a postagem em seu nome"

"Si tiene un antiguo encaje de tenerife, has encontrado un cojin o un mantelito en el baúl, comparta esta joya con encajeras y otros interesados. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener las instrucciones con el mediador y hacer un "post" con su pieza como coautor del MUSEO VIRTUAL. O envia una foto que se publicará en su nombre."

"If you have an old tenerife lace, found a rack or a small doillie in the family chest, share this preciousness with other parties concerned and lace-making. Please contact us to obtain with the mediator the instructions to be co-author of the VIRTUAL MUSEUM and make a post with your play. Or send us a photo and we will make posting on your behalf."

21 de jun. de 2012

Pam Harris Collection

Born in 1885 in Nebraska, USA, Macie Alice Heater, the lacemaker, born in the family Heaters, that came to America from Germany as mercenary soldiers during the Revolutionary War. They stayed in America and worked as coal miners and some as farmers, mostly in Pennsylvania and Nebraska.

She lived nearly 90 years and during that time moved from Nebraska to Idaho to Seattle and finally Santa Fe, after New Mexicowhere she remained until her death.

She was a superb seamstress and used her skills to make most of the family clothes. Nothing was ever wasted and in these pieces she were many bits and pieces of laces - some hand made and some commercially made. She sew, embroider, look for the garden and cook. She was skilled at them all. She was also very skilled at crochet.

These pieces of terneriffe are from Pam Harris Grammie's old steamer trunk that remained at Santa Fe.

Pam believes the only time she would have had the luxury of time to create these lace pieces would have been between 1899 - 1904 or between 1930 - 1945. Except for these short periods and the years spent in Santa Fe, 1945 to her death, her life was very difficult and her energies most likely went into work and survival. For a broader date we can use 1899 to 1945.

A little more lacemaker's family information at http://gingerbreadsnowflakes.com/node/348

fonte: Pam Harris and her creative spirit's blog Gingerbread Snowflakes

Lacemaker: born Macie Alice Heater
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