"Se V. possui uma renda tenerife antiga, achou um bastidor ou uma toalhinha no baú, compartilhe essa preciosidade com outros interessados e rendeiras. Entre em contato conosco para obter com o mediador as instruções para ser co-autor do MUSEU VIRTUAL e fazer um post com sua peça. Ou mande a foto que faremos a postagem em seu nome"

"Si tiene un antiguo encaje de tenerife, has encontrado un cojin o un mantelito en el baúl, comparta esta joya con encajeras y otros interesados. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener las instrucciones con el mediador y hacer un "post" con su pieza como coautor del MUSEO VIRTUAL. O envia una foto que se publicará en su nombre."

"If you have an old tenerife lace, found a rack or a small doillie in the family chest, share this preciousness with other parties concerned and lace-making. Please contact us to obtain with the mediator the instructions to be co-author of the VIRTUAL MUSEUM and make a post with your play. Or send us a photo and we will make posting on your behalf."

1 de set. de 2013

The Queenslander - edição de outubro/1923

Jornal da comunidade de Queensland, em Brisbane, Austrália, recomenda a aplicação de módulos de renda tenerife para enfeitar as lingeries, então feitas em casa.

              Teneriffe lace is easily made by any- one with neat fingers. It can be worked in white or in coloured, thread to match the household linen. frocks, blouses, or lingerie it is to adorn. The special frames, dull-pointed needles, pins, and thread, for Teneriffe lace-making are quite inexpensive. Buy the best quality thread; it gives your work a smooth, even finish. 
           One of the prettiest and simplest designs is the Teneriffe wheel, made as follows :— Place the wheel frame on a small, hard cushion, and into the fifty-two holes round the wheel's edge put the lace pins, leaving about one-eighth of an inch of the pin not pushed in. Attach the thread firmly round one pin head and lead it across the wheel to the pin exactly opposite so that the thread forms the diametor of the wheel. Continue to draw the thread firmly, but not too tightly, round each pin head, working from side to side of the wheel, and push ing down each pin head as the thread is put round it. When all the pins are done in this way. take the special needle, with a fairly long thread, and with it lighten the threads where they cross each other at the centre of the wheel. Then darn round the centre three or five times, taking care not to raise the same thread in two adjacent rounds. Slip the needle up a short distance towards the outer edge of the wheel, and make another circle. This is formed by drawing four threads together and knotting them with the threaded needle, continuing like this once round the wheel. Slip the needle up again and make another circle, knot- ting four threads composed of two threads from each of the preceding circle's four   knots. This forms a cross. Slip the needle up again, this time almost to the pin heads, and form the final circle by knotting with the needle two threads, one from each pin, the knots close to the pin heads. When this final circle is   made, fasten off the thread, knotting securely, under the wheel, and carefully remove all the pins. The wheel is then a perfect lace medallion, ready for inser- tion in fine hand-made lingerie. For the many more intricate wheels and insertions in thin lace, it is advisable to consult a, pamphlet on Teneriffe lace making, which will give diagrams show- ing the work at different stages.

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Nhanduti de Atibaia